Happy Tree Friends Anime Version Wiki


Cuddles, a 19-year-old American with pink cheeks, wears Pink Bunny Slippers inexplicably. His hood ears have the ability to move to match his emotions. For instance, when he is happy or energized, his hood ears remain upright, but when he is upset or sad, they droop down. Cuddles is one of the primary characters in the series and makes appearances in many advertisements, along with Giggles, Toothy, and Lumpy. He was the first character created in Happy Tree Friends and was drawn by Creator Rhode Montijo on a piece of paper with the phrase "Resistance Is Futile" above it, which became the inspiration for the show. His voice is performed by co-creator of the show Kenn Navarro. Cuddles' personality is a mixture of traits. On one hand, he can be mischievous and fun-loving, often leading to the deaths of himself and other characters, with Flaky usually trying to warn him. On the other hand, he is generally lovable, optimistic, friendly, sweet, and caring, making his personality more complex than the other characters. Cuddles is known for his innocence and naivety, which leaves him vulnerable to manipulation by other characters. For example, Lifty and Shifty take advantage of him in "Junk in the Trunk" and The Mole tricks him into donating blood twice in "In a Jam" to get a new guitar. As revealed in "In a Jam," he is a music lover, particularly rock music. He is shown to have multiple houses, but his official one is considered to be a hollow tree, as it appears more than once in "In a Jam" and "Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow." Cuddles is particularly close friends with Toothy, Flippy, Petunia, Flaky, and Lumpy. His relationship with Giggles is also hinted at being romantic, and they are very close friends. This is most evident in the Fall Out Boy music video "The Carpal Tunnel of Love" and hinted at in the internet episode "I Nub You." Cuddles has been killed by almost every character in the series, with Flaky, Toothy, Lifty, Cro-Marmot, Lumpy, and Good Flippy being the most frequent killers. However, Cuddles rarely kills others, making him the only one of the primary characters with a kill count of less than 70. Though he dies frequently in the internet and TV series, he has survived in episodes such as "Doggone It," "Sea What I Found," "A Change of Heart," "A Sight for Sore Eyes," "Letter Late than Never," and "Double Whammy Part I." In the internet shorts, he survives "Water Way to Go," "We're Scrooged!," "I Nub You," "By The Seat Of Your Pants," "You're Kraken Me Up," and "Going Out With a Bang." He also survives episodes like "False Alarm," "YouTube 101: Subscriptions," "Youtube Copyright School," "Oh Xmas Tree," and "Star Kringle." His deaths often involve dismemberment, vehicles, and flying organs, with his intestines being frequently involved. Cuddles has a Myspace account and it is mentioned that he is allergic to carrots as they make him choke, although this was later denied by Kenn Navarro in a tweet in 2015 as Cuddles actually loves carrots. It is also mentioned that he collects powerful antique electric toothbrushes and his hoodie is highly protected from the sun. Despite his outward appearance as a cute and sweet guy, earning him the name "Cuddles," he is known as a rebellious Happy Tree Friend. He excels in extreme sports like skateboarding, surfing, and soccer. In "Mime to Five," he even appears as a literal daredevil. Cuddles has a passion for rock music and was previously a member of "The Happy Tree Band." It is revealed in the Happy Tree Friends Break "Seize the Day" that Cuddles also suffers from epilepsy, similar to Handy. He made an appearance on God's keys in one of the episodes of "The God and Devil Show," during their chase of Robert Downey Jr. Cuddles has the most interactions with other characters in the series and has also made a cameo appearance, along with Lifty, Handy, and Lumpy, on Gundarr, another show by Mondo, in the form of a background totem.

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